Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” November 15, 2024

Think: We have all heard the old saying about there being no need to "reinvent the wheel." Well, apparently there is and researchers in South Korea have quite literally reinvented the wheel and it may soon have some practical applications--especially for people in wheelchairs. The wheels go from solid to fluid when they encounter impediments and [...]

By |2024-12-09T16:00:19-06:00November 14, 2024|Agriculture, Creativity, Farming, Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” November 15, 2024

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 19, 2024

  Think Harder: Love him or hate him, for the past 25 years Ray Kurzweil has been one of the most consistently accurate futurists in regard to where the world of technology has been heading. Now, he is predicting a million-fold increase in human intelligence by the year 2045. Here’s something to think about: Even [...]

By |2024-08-08T19:41:29-05:00July 18, 2024|Agriculture, Creativity, Farming, Future, Technology|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 19, 2024

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 5, 2024

Editor's note: Due to the 4th of July holiday, a full newsletter was not completed this week. The regular format will return next week. In lieu of the newsletter, I'd like to share two pieces which are important to me. The first is an article I wrote about my brother, his death, and one of [...]

By |2024-07-11T17:03:57-05:00July 5, 2024|Creativity, Future, Love, Poems, Spiritual, Unlearning, Wisdom|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 5, 2024

Addition by Subtraction: 11 is Greater Than 12

"You can get 12 months of work done in 11 months but you can't get 12 months of work done in 12 months." Please re-read the above sentence. At first glance, it doesn't make any sense. Upon reflection, however, you may come to see the wisdom embedded within the statement. If you are constantly working, [...]

By |2013-09-14T19:24:11-05:00September 14, 2013|Creativity, Paradox|Comments Off on Addition by Subtraction: 11 is Greater Than 12

Some Advice About the Future

If you’ve got a great idea for a future venture, here’s some humble advice: Don’t listen to people who claim to have seen everything. First, I seriously doubt they have “seen everything.” And, if they really have seen everything, there is one thing they can’t have seen—and that’s what has not yet been created! (Remember: [...]

By |2013-06-20T13:58:07-05:00June 20, 2013|Creativity, Future|Comments Off on Some Advice About the Future

The Future is in Your Creative Hands

The future is in your creative hands. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” -- Alan Kay This is a wonderful quotation and, as a futurist, I often use it. What is often overlooked in the statement is this tiny tidbit: Because everyone can create, everyone—and I mean everyone--has a [...]

By |2013-06-12T10:00:03-05:00June 12, 2013|Creativity, Future|Comments Off on The Future is in Your Creative Hands

For the Future: Feel the Fear of Failure and Do It Anyways

A Mediocre Message for Future Success Like millions of other parents across America, I spent this morning watching my son’s soccer game. On the sideline, not far from me, was the parent of an opposing player wearing a t-shirt that read “Fear Failure”. As a competitive person, I understand the sentiment behind the slogan [...]

By |2013-06-08T17:45:18-05:00June 8, 2013|Creativity, Future|Comments Off on For the Future: Feel the Fear of Failure and Do It Anyways

Every Rule Has an Exception: Weird

Most of us are familiar with the famous classroom dictum: i before e except after c. It is helpful most of the time but not always. For example, do you find it weird that the word "weird" isn't spelled wierd? If you wish to stay open to unlearning, it's helpful to remember that every rule [...]

By |2013-04-24T14:45:05-05:00April 24, 2013|Creativity|Comments Off on Every Rule Has an Exception: Weird

The Art Classroom of the Future

As a parent, I believe we must constantly encourage our children to nurture and expand the creativity with which they are all inherently endowed. Unfortunately, as Ken Robinson explains in this brilliant TED talk, many schools are unintentionally yet, nevertheless, ruthlessly and systematically killing our children's creativity. Luckily, creative adults are coming to the rescue. [...]

By |2013-02-25T15:50:59-06:00February 25, 2013|Creativity, Future|Comments Off on The Art Classroom of the Future

25 Questions for the Truly Innovative Company or Organization

“Sometime over the next decade your company or organization will be challenged to change in a way for which it has no precedent.” --Gary Hamel in The Future of Management Most companies and organizations claim creativity and innovation hold the keys to future success. As a business forecaster, futurist and change management professional, I agree. [...]

By |2012-11-01T19:21:57-05:00November 1, 2012|Creativity, Questions|Comments Off on 25 Questions for the Truly Innovative Company or Organization
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