Give the Green-Light to Taxi Apps

Last December, I published my annual list of predictions for the coming year. Number 9 on the list was "Networked Traffic" and I wrote: The labor union representing Munich taxi drivers will seek an injunction against the social networks claiming they enable individual drivers to act as taxi companies and should therefore be subject to [...]

By |2012-10-29T21:04:06-05:00October 29, 2012|Future, Trends|Comments Off on Give the Green-Light to Taxi Apps

Listen Up Carefully: You Can Hear the Future of Manufacturing

In my latest book, Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow, I devote an entire chapter to how 3D printing will transform not only the manufacturing sector but everyday life. To understand how rapidly 3D printing is advancing, consider just these three unrelated developments from the world of music: 1. Bloomberg News is [...]

By |2012-10-12T13:34:17-05:00October 12, 2012|Future, Trends|Comments Off on Listen Up Carefully: You Can Hear the Future of Manufacturing

Fast Tracking Economic Development

Yesterday, I was in Indianapolis speaking to economic development officials at the National Rural Economic Development Association's (NREDA) annual meeting. One of the many growing trends I encouraged them to consider was the possibility of an exponentially more powerful Internet. Next week, Google will be unveiling "Google Fiber" in Kansas City. It promises Internet 100 [...]

By |2012-07-20T13:29:55-05:00July 20, 2012|Future, Trends|Comments Off on Fast Tracking Economic Development

10 Ways Google's "Project Glass" Might Change Things

As I wrote in an earlier post, Google is only 13 years old; Facebook is a mere 8 years old; and the iPhone just turned five. Each has impacted the world in some surprising and unexpected ways. From my perspective as a futurist, Google’s “Project Glass” (which offers enhanced augmented reality as well as the [...]

By |2012-07-17T22:44:20-05:00July 17, 2012|Future, Trends|Comments Off on 10 Ways Google's "Project Glass" Might Change Things

See the Future in Yesterday's Past

The accelerating pace of change is often difficult for the average person to comprehend. As a futurist, business forecaster and frequent conference speaker, I have often use recent history to remind people of how much we've lived through in the past few years. For example, Google is only 13 years-old--a mere teenager. Facebook is just [...]

By |2012-06-29T17:05:32-05:00June 29, 2012|Future, Technology, Trends|Comments Off on See the Future in Yesterday's Past

Look Past the Front Page to See the Future

You can see the future ... if you know where to look. One good place to look is on the inside of the newspaper. For example, here are just four articles from the inside of today's newspaper: Article #1 discusses the driverless car. Article #2 talks about the "officeless office." Article #3 notes that for [...]

By |2012-04-18T15:18:04-05:00April 18, 2012|Future, Trends|Comments Off on Look Past the Front Page to See the Future

Growing Up Everywhere: The Future of Farming

(Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, 20/20 Foresight: A Futurist Looks Ahead to the Ten Trends That Will Shape the World of 2020, that I am writing with the able assistance of fellow futurist Simon Anderson. This chapter takes a look at the future of agriculture.) On a 7,000 acre farm in [...]

By |2012-02-21T13:18:29-06:00February 21, 2012|Agriculture, Future, Trends|Comments Off on Growing Up Everywhere: The Future of Farming

The Heart of the Matter: The Future of Healthcare Will Be All Around Us

(Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, 20/20 Foresight: A Futurist Looks Ahead to the Ten Trends That Will Shape the World of 2020, which I am writing with the able assistance of fellow futurist Simon Anderson, host of This chapter takes a look at the future of healthcare.) Jonathan Rothberg, a [...]

By |2011-11-26T06:00:22-06:00November 26, 2011|Future, Trends|Comments Off on The Heart of the Matter: The Future of Healthcare Will Be All Around Us

The Future of Higher Education: A Cloudy Forecast

Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from our forthcoming book, 20/20 Foresight: A Futurist Looks Ahead to the Ten Trends That Will Shape the World of 2020, which I am writing with the able assistance of fellow futurist Simon Anderson, host of This chapter takes a look at the future of higher education.) In 2002, [...]

By |2011-10-12T15:31:01-05:00October 12, 2011|Future, Trends|Comments Off on The Future of Higher Education: A Cloudy Forecast

Driving Faster into the Future with Supercomputers

“Titan will be used for a variety of important research projects, including the development of more commercially viable biofuels, cleaner burning engines, safer nuclear energy, and more efficient solar power.” So states a recent press release from Cray announcing the creation of a new supercomputer capable of between 10 and 20 quadrillion calculations per second. [...]

By |2011-10-12T13:33:43-05:00October 12, 2011|Energy, Future, Trends|Comments Off on Driving Faster into the Future with Supercomputers
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