Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” January 26, 2024

Heart-Centered Thinking: "What captured me is that people are doing things out of their own good heart." This sentence was just one of many that caught my attention in this fascinating article, "Banking the Most Valuable Currency: Time." The article discusses the growing trend of "time banks."  In an over-simplified way, a "time bank" is [...]

By |2024-01-25T17:24:15-06:00January 25, 2024|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” January 26, 2024

Jack Uldrich’s “Future Friday 5:” January 12, 2024

  Think Optimistically: Let's start this year off on an optimistic note! I enjoyed this post by Noah Smith on Techno-Optimism in 2024. If you are feeling down about the future -- and I'll be the first to admit that there is no shortage of big issues with which we must be concerned -- there [...]

By |2024-01-11T10:47:43-06:00January 11, 2024|Future, Optimism|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Future Friday 5:” January 12, 2024

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” December 15, 2023

Think: It's that time of year! Here is my annual list of "predictions" for the coming year. There should be plenty of "food-for-thought" in the predictions. (To my friends in the agriculture industry, here is another article I wrote this week which should give you plenty to think about: 10 Technologies Transforming Farming Today and [...]

By |2023-12-14T13:36:51-06:00December 14, 2023|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” December 15, 2023

Futurist Jack Uldrich’s Annual Predictions for 2024

(Every year, I offer this caveat: As a futurist, I don’t actually claim to make predictions about the future. Still, I know people enjoy predictions so I offer up these 10 “predictions” not because I believe they will happen exactly as I describe but rather to encourage you to think about how you, your business [...]

By |2023-12-14T13:20:18-06:00December 14, 2023|Future, Trends|Comments Off on Futurist Jack Uldrich’s Annual Predictions for 2024

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” December 8, 2023

Think: As many of you know, I've been writing and thinking a great deal about artificial intelligence. While I remain bullish on AI's many positive contributions to society, I remain deeply troubled by its dangers and its "unknowns." Generally speaking, I am not in favor of strict regulations but after much contemplation I've come down [...]

By |2023-12-07T10:57:38-06:00December 7, 2023|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” December 8, 2023

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” December 1, 2023

  Think: As I recently mentioned, my latest book, "A Smarter Farm: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Agriculture" is now out and I am making PDF copies of the book available for FREE here. If you're a farmer, I encourage you read it because AI is already impacting agriculture in some dramatic ways. The latest case-in-point is [...]

By |2023-11-30T11:10:43-06:00November 30, 2023|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” December 1, 2023

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” November 24, 2023

[Editor's note: Because we just celebrated Thanksgiving and because today is a holiday for most people, I will keep this week's newsletter short. I have also taken the liberty of changing my "thinks" to "thanks" this week. Here are five breakthroughs or innovations for which I am grateful.) Thanks #1: I am thankful for all [...]

By |2023-11-24T01:09:18-06:00November 24, 2023|Future, Optimism|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” November 24, 2023

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 15:” November 17, 2023

Editor's note: With Thanksgiving now less than a week away, I would like to take a moment and thank all of you for subscribing to this newsletter. I hope all of you have a Blessed Thanksgiving and an even better future. Jack U. P.S. My latest book, "A Smarter Farm: How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize [...]

By |2023-11-16T14:37:14-06:00November 16, 2023|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 15:” November 17, 2023

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” November 10, 2023

Think: Later today, I will be sitting down with Forbes to do an interview on  the topic of "The future of wealth." My thinking on this subject may surprise you. My thoughts can be found in this piece on The Future of Wealth, but the gist of it is this: "Wealth" in the near future will [...]

By |2023-11-09T13:11:34-06:00November 9, 2023|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” November 10, 2023
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