A Spiritual Futurist

There is no shortage of intelligent, competent and insightful professional futurists. Amy Webb, for example, describes herself as the “quantitative futurist,” Micheal Rogers refers to himself as the “practical futurist,” and James Pethokoukis uses the moniker the “conservative futurist.” I am sure other futurists use similar descriptors to distinguish their work from that of their [...]

By |2025-01-16T16:51:27-06:00January 2, 2025|Future, Humility, Spiritual, Unlearning, Wisdom|Comments Off on A Spiritual Futurist

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 5, 2024

Editor's note: Due to the 4th of July holiday, a full newsletter was not completed this week. The regular format will return next week. In lieu of the newsletter, I'd like to share two pieces which are important to me. The first is an article I wrote about my brother, his death, and one of [...]

By |2024-07-11T17:03:57-05:00July 5, 2024|Creativity, Future, Love, Poems, Spiritual, Unlearning, Wisdom|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 5, 2024

Meditating on the Future

If we are to think about the future and do it well, I have one piece of unconventional advice as a long-time professional futurist–Don’t. That is, don't try to think about the future. First, become grounded in the present and learn to meditate.  The practice of meditation takes a lifetime to master and I certainly [...]

By |2024-07-05T12:45:09-05:00July 5, 2024|Future, Unlearning, Wisdom|Comments Off on Meditating on the Future

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” June 28, 2024

Think: For years, I've written and spoken about the importance of unlearning. I cannot, however, profess to be the greatest practitioner of the concept. Recently, though, I tried to practice what I preach: A Futurist Unlearns His Own Approach. Think Harder: Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. Farmers can expect regulators and politicians to soon [...]

By |2024-07-05T12:55:27-05:00June 27, 2024|Future, Unlearning|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” June 28, 2024

Top 5 Reasons Not to Read “Top 5” Articles

#5: They are cynically designed to drive traffic to the poster’s site. Therefore, they are designed for the benefit of the poster/writer—and not you. #4: They waste your time. It is estimated that it takes 25 minutes to refocus your attention on your work once you have been lured into reading an article such as [...]

By |2015-01-19T10:41:22-06:00January 19, 2015|Unlearning|Comments Off on Top 5 Reasons Not to Read “Top 5” Articles

How to Embrace Ambiguity With a Shot of Whiskey

One of my preferred strategies for thinking about--and dealing with--the future is "to embrace ambiguity." Not surprisingly, I'm often asked, "How does a person learn to embrace ambiguity?" It's a great question and I'd argue that it begins by acknowledging the existence of ambiguity. To illustrate this point, I turn to the famous "If by whiskey" [...]

By |2014-11-14T07:58:55-06:00November 14, 2014|Ambiguity, Unlearning|Comments Off on How to Embrace Ambiguity With a Shot of Whiskey

40 Years of Experience or 1 Year of Experience–40 Times?

Hilariously, Dale Irby, a teacher at a Prestonwood Elementary, has had himself photographed in the same outfit for 40 straight years. The series of photographs serve as a kind of visual metaphor that, often, peoples claims of having 25, 30 or even "40 years of experience" is little more than one year of actual experience masquerading itself over [...]

By |2014-11-11T15:33:17-06:00November 11, 2014|Unlearning|Comments Off on 40 Years of Experience or 1 Year of Experience–40 Times?
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